Pengantar Komputasi Modern
Teori Komputas i ( theory of computation ) adalah cabang ilmu komputer teoritis ( theoritical computer science ). Teori komputasi berkaitan dengan studi bagaimana persoalan ( problem ) dapat diselesaikan pada sebuah model dengan menggunakan algoritma. Model tersebut dinamakan model komputasi. Teori komputasi dibagi lagi menjadi 3 ranting: Teori otomata ( automata theory ) Teori komputabilitas ( computability theory ) Teori kompleksitas ( computational complexity theory ) Area Ilmu Komputer ( Computer Science ): Theoretical computer science Theory of computation Information and coding theory Algorithms and data structures Programming language theory Formal methods Applied computer science Artificial intelligence Computer architecture and engineering Computer Performance Analysis Computer graphics and vis. Computational science Computer networks Concurrent, parallel and distributed systems Databases Health informatics Information scie...